UQ-bio Summer School

3.4 – Randomness in Biological Systems (Dr. Linda Petzold)

Lecture 3.4

Title: Invited Lecture — The Roles and Consequences of Randomness in Biological Systems

Lecturer: Prof. Linda Petzold

Lecturer Website: https://cse.cs.ucsb.edu/

Lecturer Email: petzold@engineering.ucsb.edu

Dr. Linda Petzold is currently Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Department of Computer Science (Chair 2003-2007), and Director of the Computational Science and Engineering Graduate Emphasis at the University of California Santa Barbara.  She is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of ACM, ASME, SIAM, AIMBE and AAAS.   She was named the UCSB Faculty Research Lecturer for 2011, was awarded the SIAM/ACM Prize for Computational Science and Engineering in 2013, received an Honorary Doctorate from Uppsala University in 2015, was awarded the SIAM Prize for Distinguished Service in 2016, and was awarded the IEEE Sydney Fernbach Prize in 2018.   Her current research focuses on modeling, simulation and data analytics of multiscale systems in biology and medicine.

Title: The Roles and Consequences of Randomness in Biological Systems

Abstract: Stochasticity (randomness) is ubiquitous in biological systems. We will explore some of the ways in which it arises and is used to advantage by biological systems, over a wide range of scales.

Suggested Reading or Key Publications:

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