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The Third q-bio Conference: Invited Speakers

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The following speakers have accepted invitations to participate in the 2009 q-bio Conference:

  1. Bruce M. Alberts, University of California, San Francisco
    Biology past and biology future: where have we been and where are we going? (pdf)
  2. Martha L. Bulyk, Harvard University
    High-resolution DNA binding specificity profiles of transcription factors and cis regulatory codes in DNA (pdf)
  3. Antony W. Burgess, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Melbourne Branch
    Modeling Wnt signaling and colon cancer (pdf)
  4. Carlos Bustamante, University of California, Berkeley
    Grabbing the cat by the tail: discrete steps by a DNA packaging motor and the inter-subunit coordination in a ring-ATPase (pdf)
  5. Andrew H.A. Clayton, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Melbourne Branch
    EGF receptor in the lime light (pdf)
  6. Rita R. Colwell, University of Maryland
    Climate, oceans, infectious diseases, and human health: biocomplexity of cholera epidemics (pdf)
  7. Joern Dengjel, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies
    Spatio-temporal protein dynamics during autophagy (pdf)
  8. Aaron R. Dinner, University of Chicago
    Signatures of regulatory synergies in intrinsic biological noise (pdf)
  9. Timothy C. Elston, University of North Carolina
    Yeast chemotrophic growth: an attractive model system (pdf)
  10. Nina V. Fedoroff, Pennsylvania State University
    21st Century science diplomacy (pdf)
  11. Byron Goldstein, Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Assessing the role of serial engagement in mast cell signaling (pdf)
  12. Nir S. Gov, Weizmann Institute of Science
    Ladders and ropes: active transport inside the stereocilia and other cellular protrusions (pdf)
  13. Thomas Gregor, Princeton University
    Transition to collective behavior in eukaryotic cell populations (pdf)
  14. Pablo A. Iglesias, Johns Hopkins University
    Information-theoretic characterization of signal transduction pathways (pdf)
  15. Michael Levine, University of California, Berkeley
    Dynamic gene circuits control Drosophila embryogenesis (pdf)
  16. Charles D. Little, University of Kansas Medical Center
    Cellular v. tissue motion during embryogenesis (pdf)
  17. Leonid A. Mirny, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
    How do proteins find and bind their sites on DNA? (pdf)
  18. Linda R. Petzold, University of California, Santa Barbara
    Model reduction for chemical reaction networks: it’s a subtle business! (pdf)
  19. Rob Phillips, California Institute of Technology
    A single-molecule view of biological action at a distance (pdf)
  20. Vito Quaranta, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
    Heterogeneity of cancer cell motility (pdf)
  21. Michael P. Sheetz, Columbia University
    Shaping cells by force and rigidity through protein stretching (pdf)
  22. Gürol M. Süel, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
    Dissecting the functional importance of gene circuit architecture (pdf)
  23. Sander J. Tans, AMOLF
    Evolutionary adaptation of regulation in variable environments (pdf)
  24. Hiroki R. Ueda, RIKEN
    Systems biology of mammalian circadian clocks (pdf)
  25. Andrea C. Vaiana, Max Planck Institute, Göttingen
    Simulation of antibiotics that interfere with the ribosomal machinery (pdf)
  26. Haw Yang, Princeton University
    Cellular energy regulation from a single-molecule protein dynamics perspective (pdf)
  27. Jin Zhang, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
    Dynamic visualization of signaling activities in living cells (pdf)