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The Fourth q-bio Conference: Invited Speakers

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  1. Grégoire Altan-Bonnet, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Research Center, Signaling heterogeneity and feedback regulation for the cytokine IL-2 enforces self/non-self discrimination in the immune system
  2. Bonnnie L. Bassler, Princeton University, Information Processing in Quorum Sensing Circuits
  3. Jehoshua Bruck, California Institute of Technology, Random Ideas about Biological Networks
  4. Thierry Emonet, Yale University, Signaling noise coordinates multiple flagella to enhance bacterial foraging with minimal cost to chemotactic response
  5. Michael B. Elowitz, California Institute of Technology, Signaling Dynamics at the Single-Cell Level
  6. Hana El-Samad, University of California, San Francisco, A Chaperone Network Modulates the Homeostatic Regulation of the Unfolded Protein Response
  7. James E. Ferrell Jr., Stanford University, Dissecting the mitotic oscillator (closing banquet talk)
  8. Galit Lahav, Harvard Medical School, Always on Guard: Spontaneous Bursts of p53 in Cycling Cells
  9. Arthur D. Lander, University of California, Irvine, Constraints, objectives and tradeoffs in morphogen-mediated patterning
  10. Jan Liphardt, University of California, Berkeley, Infinite Regression and Biological Function
  11. Stephen R. Quake, Stanford University, Precision Measurement in Biology
  12. Christopher V. Rao, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Counting and control in bacterial motility
  13. Michael A. Savageau, University of California, Davis, Searching for System Design Principles (opening banquet talk)
  14. Boris I. Shraiman, University of California, Santa Barbara, Recombination, genetic interactions and the rate of adaptation in large populations
  15. Jan M. Skotheim, Stanford University, Cell cycle commitment
  16. Victor Sourjik, Heidelberg University, Robustness of signalling in bacterial chemotaxis
  17. John J. Tyson, Virginia Polytechnic and State University, Stochastic Models of Cell Cycle Regulation in Eukaryotes
  18. Christopher A. Voigt, University of California, San Francisco, Quantitative Methods for Genetic Programming
  19. Leor S. Weinberger, University of California, San Diego, Halting Infectious-Disease Spread with Engineered Transmissible Therapies
  20. John P. Wikswo, Vanderbilt University, The Robot Scientist or: How I learned to stop worrying and love automated model inference
  21. Ned S. Wingreen, Princeton University, Why are chemotaxis receptors clustered but other receptors aren’t?