The Fifth q-bio Conference: Tutorial Presenters
From Q-bio
- James R. Faeder, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Rule-based modeling with BioNetGen (90 minutes)
- James A. Glazier, Indiana University, Developing multi-cell developmental and biomedical simulations using CompuCell3D (4 hours)
- Steven P. Gross, University of California, Irvine, From single motors to ensemble function: what is important for how motors work together? (2 hours)
- Avi Ma'ayan, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Network analysis and gene-list enrichment analysis in systems biology (3 hours)
- Ilya Nemenman, Emory University, Information processing in cell biology (3 hours)
- Tudor I. Oprea, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Network-based analyses of drugs, targets and clinical outcomes: towards computer-aided drug repurposing (3 hours)
- Brian Munsky, Los Alamos National Laboratory and Gregor Neuert, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Analyzing and Identifying Stochastic Models Using Flow Cytometry and Fluorescence Microscopy