The Fifth q-bio Conference: Invited Speakers
From Q-bio
Invited Speakers
- Réka Albert, Pennsylvania State University
- Uri Alon, Weizmann Institute of Science (main program and special social event leader)
- Dennis Bray, University of Cambridge (opening banquet speaker)
- Vittorio Cristini, University of New Mexico School of Medicine
- Michael W. Deem, Rice University
- Alexander Hoffmann, University of California, San Diego
- Nicole King, University of California, Berkeley
- Michael T. Laub, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Diane S. Lidke, University of New Mexico School of Medicine (August 11)
- Wallace F. Marshall, University of California, San Francisco
- Tobias Meyer, Stanford University
- Alan Perelson Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Pieter Rein ten Wolde, FOM Institute AMOLF
- Nadrian C. Seeman, New York University (pioneer talk)
- Stanislav Y. Shvarstman, Princeton University
- Peter K. Sorger, Harvard Medical School (closing banquet speaker)