Welcome to the q-bio Summer School and Conference!

The Fifth q-bio Conference: Invited Speakers

From Q-bio

Invited Speakers

  1. Réka Albert, Pennsylvania State University
  2. Uri Alon, Weizmann Institute of Science (main program and special social event leader)
  3. Dennis Bray, University of Cambridge (opening banquet speaker)
  4. Vittorio Cristini, University of New Mexico School of Medicine
  5. Michael W. Deem, Rice University
  6. Alexander Hoffmann, University of California, San Diego
  7. Nicole King, University of California, Berkeley
  8. Michael T. Laub, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  9. Diane S. Lidke, University of New Mexico School of Medicine (August 11)
  10. Wallace F. Marshall, University of California, San Francisco
  11. Tobias Meyer, Stanford University
  12. Alan Perelson Los Alamos National Laboratory
  13. Pieter Rein ten Wolde, FOM Institute AMOLF
  14. Nadrian C. Seeman, New York University (pioneer talk)
  15. Stanislav Y. Shvarstman, Princeton University
  16. Peter K. Sorger, Harvard Medical School (closing banquet speaker)