The Eighth q-bio Summer School
Welcome to the wiki for the 2014 q-bio Summer School. Please see below for a brief description of the school and instructions on how to apply.
The q-bio Summer School is an annual three-week event intended to advance predictive modeling of cellular regulatory systems by exposing participants to a broad survey of work in quantitative biology as well as providing in depth instruction in modeling techniques relevant to specific areas. The areas that will be covered this year include stochastic gene regulation, cell signaling, biomolecular simulations, cancer, membrane biology, and experimental and theoretical methods in synthetic biology. Participants will attend daily core lectures, course specific lectures, and small-group computer lab demonstrations and discussions. The core lectures will tend to cover theory and modeling of cellular regulatory systems/networks. The labs are hands-on and specialized. Students will work on projects individually or in small teams under the guidance of the summer school faculty. The summer school is designed for graduate students, postdocs, or anyone with a quantitative background who is new to modeling cellular regulatory systems/networks.
Core lectures will take place on two campuses (in Albuquerque and San Diego). All students are encouraged to attend the q-bio Student Symposium in Albuquerque, NM, which will feature student project reports and invited seminar-style talks. Students are also encouraged to submit an abstract to, and participate in, The Eighth q-bio Conference in Santa Fe (Aug. 13-Aug. 16, 2014). (Abstracts submission is open here).
The Eighth q-bio Summer School is scheduled for July 27-August 12, 2014 at two campuses, one in Albuquerque, New Mexico and the other in San Diego, California.
Click on the links below for more information on the specific topics, lecturers, and organizers for the various q-bio courses.
- Cell Signaling (Albuquerque NM)
- Stochastic Gene Regulation (Albuquerque NM)
- Biomolecular Simulations (Albuquerque NM)
- Cancer Dynamics (Albuquerque NM)
- Membrane Biology (Albuquerque NM)
- Computational Synthetic Biology (San Diego CA)
- Experimental Synthetic Biology (San Diego CA)
Lecturers and Students
- Lecturers in Albuquerque (2014)
- Students in Albuquerque (2014)
- Lecturers in San Diego (2014)
- Students in San Diego (2014)
Please see the course wiki pages (above) for additional information about the schedules for individual courses.
Applications for the 2014 q-bio Summer School have been reopened until Friday March 14th. This will be the final extension. Applications consist of a CV and 1-page letter of interest. Please click here to apply .