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Quantitative Analysis of HER2 Overexpression Effect on EGF Receptor Signaling

From Q-bio

Yi Zhang, Harish Shankaran, Lee Opresko and Haluk Resat

Overexpression of HER2, the preferred dimerization partner of other EGF receptors, not only shifts EGF receptor distribution between different cellular compartments, but also alters their signaling properties. We have investigated the effect of HER2 overexpression on EGF receptor signaling using both experimental approaches and computational methods. Epithelial cell lines expressing varying levels of HER2 receptors were constructed and receptor phosphorylation level upon ligand stimulation was monitored. Data collected in experimental measurements were then analyzed in the context of a multi-receptor cellular network model, which can be further applied to predict EGF receptor mediated biological response.

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