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Q-bio:Coarse-graining biochemical reactions by RG approach

From Q-bio
Brief description
Renormalization group (RG) is a standard mean for coarse-graining of physical systems. Can be used in biochemistry? Let's start with the Michaelis-Menten reaction, for which a path-integral representation can be written as in the recent work of Sinitsyn and Nemenman, following the method of Jordan et al. However, we won't make the adiabatic approximation, as Sinitsyn and Nemenman did. Instead, let's look at the low-frequency behavior of the system by doing RG (which is in some way similar to adiabaticity in this system). Does the substrate-product coupling emerge with the RG flow? Does the enzyme decouple from either substrate or the product when doing RG? Can we recover the MM dynamics in the long time limit by doing this analysis? Can we recover the fluctuations as well.
Contact instructor
Ilya Nemenman
  1. A Jordan, E Sukhorukov, S Pilgram. Fluctuation statistics in networks: A stochastic path integral approach, J Math Phys, 45, 4386, 2004. PDF.
  2. NA Sinitsyn and I Nemenman. The geometric theory of mesoscopic stochastic pump and reversible ratchet effects. Submitted, Apr 2007. Abstract.

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