UQ-bio Summer School

William Raymond


William Raymond

Colorado State University

Collaborators: Luis Aguilera – Colorado State University, Sadaf Ghaffari – Colorado State University, Zachary Fox – Los Alamos National Lab, Brian Munsky – Colorado State University

Title: Nascent Chain Tracking Multiplexing: Dynamic Labeling

Short Abstract:  mRNA translation is the necessary cellular process of decoding messenger-RNA strands into usable proteins; Within the past decade, nascent chain tracking (NCT) fluorescent microscopy techniques have allowed experimentalists to observe translation at single molecule resolution for consistent time-series measurements. However, NCT experiments so far have been limited to observation of one to two species of mRNAs at a time. In this work, we provide a thorough computational exploration of NCT signal classification via machine learning classifiers on simulated NCT data-sets containing two disparate mRNA signals.

Link to Full Abstract: RAYMOND_WILLIAM

Link to Poster: WillRaymondPoster

Contact: wsraymon@rams.colostate.edu
