Konstantine Tchourine

Konstantine Tchourine

Columbia University

Title: Chaotic Dynamics Can Generate Macroecological Laws in Microbiota

Short Abstract:  Recent works identified quantitative relationships in the dynamics of bacterial taxonomic composition that are consistent with known relationships in macroecological systems. However, quantitative mechanisms that generate these dynamics have not been fully characterized. Understanding these mechanisms is important for answering long-standing questions in quantitative ecology. Here we present a model that accurately reproduces ecological dynamics in the human gut microbiota. The model provides several key insights into the origins of the variability of species abundances in ecology.

Presenter BiosketchKonstantine Tchourine is an Associate Research Scientist in the Vitkup Lab at Columbia University. My current interests include understanding the gut microbiota from the ecological perspective, and, separately, quantitatively characterizing and modeling cancer cell metabolism on a systems level.

Link to Full Abstract: Tchourine_Konstantine

Contact: kt2727@cumc.columbia.edu
