Indrani Nayak


Indrani Nayak

Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Collaborators: Lewis Lanier, University of California San Francisco

Title: Modeling CD16 signal kinetics reveals the role of adaptor CD3ζ in NK cell signaling in humans and mice

Short Abstract:  Natural killer (NK) cells provide important protection against viral infections and tumors. Stimulation of CD16, an activating NK receptor that recognizes antibodies, leads to lysis of antibody-coated target cells by NK cells. However, engagement of CD16 in mouse NK cell produces weaker cytotoxic responses than in human NK cell [1]. We developed a CD16 signaling model to investigate the above differences in NK cell responses between humans and mice. Our study suggests higher number of ITAMs in CD3ζ, along with increased association between CD16 and CD3ζ are crucial for greater recruitment of downstream signaling molecules, resulting in higher cytotoxic responses.

Link to Full Abstract: Nayak_Indrani

