UQ-bio Summer School

Hollie Hindley

Hollie Hindley

University of Edinburgh

Collaborators: Andrea Weiße, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Meriem El Karoui, SynthSys, Institute of Cell Biology, University of Edinburgh

Title: RNA repair to the rescue

Short Abstract:  Antibiotic tolerance, the mechanism of bacteria
transiently surviving antibiotic treatment, is emerging as a precursor to the development of full antibiotic resistance. An RNA repair system, the Rtc system, highly conserved across all domains of life, has recently been shown to promote antibiotic tolerance upon exposure to ribosome targeting antibiotics. The role of this system in the absence of antibiotics is largely unknown, and even less so the mechanisms by which tolerance is obtained. In this work, we develop and analyse a mathematical model to investigate the mechanistic action of Rtc leading to antibiotic tolerance in bacteria.

Presenter BiosketchI am in the first year of my PhD at the University of Edinburgh. My research focuses on using mathematical modelling to determine the role of RNA repair in promoting antibiotic tolerance. I am interested in antimicrobial resistance and using quantitative methods to study this field. I did my undergraduate and Masters degrees at the University of Bristol, where I completed projects with a focus on antimicrobial resistance.

Link to Full Abstract: HINDLEY_HOLLIE

Contact: s2257179@ed.ac.uk
