Welcome to the 2nd UQ-Bio Summer School!
June 1-17, 2022. Fort Collins, Colorado, USA
Still time to register for Online Participation: Apply here!
In-person participation will be limited to 30 students selected based on their past coursework and statements of interest. Online events will be limited to 200 registered participants. All events are free to all participants.

The UQ-bio Summer School is an annual event intended to help undergraduate and first-year graduate students acquire essential skills to advance predictive modeling of cellular regulatory systems. Participants will be exposed to a survey of work in quantitative biology and provided with in-depth instruction in selected techniques. The emphasis of the 2022 program will be experimental and computational techniques useful to understand cellular regulatory networks at the single-cell level.
live Presentations
- Research seminars from top scientists in the field (4hrs/week)
- Whiteboard lectures and Q/A discussions with faculty (4hrs/week)
Live software Practice
- Hands-on software tutorial sessions using real data (6hrs/week)
- Mentored problem and project sessions (6hrs/week)
Laboratory Exploration
- Laboratory tours
- Experiment/Microscopy Demonstrations, and more.
Career Networking
- Career discussion forums (2hrs/week)
- Student Presentations and Poster Sessions (2hrs/week)
- Group Meals