Mingtao Xia
University of California Los Angeles
Collaborators: Chris D. Greenman, University of East Anglia, Tom Chou, UCLA
Title: PDE Models of Adder Mechanisms in Cellular Proliferation
Short Abstract: Cell division is a process that involves many biochemical steps and complex biophysical mechanisms. Here,
we propose a unified adder-sizer models and investigate some of the properties of different adder processes arising in cellular
proliferation. Based on our proposed new adder-sizer model, experimental findings such as a blowup behavior in average
cell size are verified through numerical experiments, and we also show that generalizations of our model have the potential to explain and incorporate many experimental hypotheses of cellular division mechanisms.
Presenter Biosketch: Mingtao Xia is a PhD candidate in the department of mathematics at UCLA. He works with Prof. Tom Chou in mathematical modeling and related problems including numerical methods, kinetic theories, and social networks.
Link to Full Abstract: Xia_Mingtao_talk – Mingtao Xia
Contact: xiamingtao97@g.ucla.edu