UQ-bio Summer School

Tra Ngo

Tra Ngo

The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Collaborators: Aparajita Dasgupta, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Deryl Tschoerner, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Nicolas Touret, University of Alberta; Bruno da Rocha-Azevedo, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center; Khuloud Jaqaman, The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Title: Quantification of cell surface receptor – actin cortex relationship via multiplexed two-color imaging

Short Abstract:  Membrane protein (MP) organization and signaling depends on the actin cortex (AC). Evidence for this has been largely obtained through actin perturbation experiments, which preclude the quantification of AC dynamics. To derive explicit relationships between the dynamic organization of MPs and the AC in live unperturbed cells, we developed a novel imaging and computational analysis framework that integrates single-molecule imaging and fluorescent speckle microscopy. Using machine learning approaches, we identified a novel biphasic relationship between MP mobility and AC density. Our framework will aid with elucidating the general principles of how the AC regulates the dynamic organization of MPs and with quantitatively predicting MP behavior based on AC activities.

Presenter BiosketchTra is a graduate student in the Genetics, Development and Disease program, with emphasis in the Mechanisms of Disease and Computational and Systems Biology tracks, at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. She received her bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology and Mathematics from UT Dallas.  In the Jaqaman lab, Tra employs computational and experimental approaches to study the regulation of endothelial cell surface receptor behavior and angiogenic signaling by the cortical cytoskeleton.

Link to Full Abstract: NGO_TRA

Contact: tra.ngo@utsouthwestern.edu
