UQ-bio Summer School

Ziang Xu


Ziang Xu

Wake Forest University

Title: CoRa —Uncovering the dynamic effects of DEX treatment on lung cancer by multiscale modeling of scRNA-seq and proteomics data

Short Abstract:  Lung cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer-related death. To better understand the underlying mechanisms affecting lung cancer therapeutics’ implementation and effectiveness, we combine the power of Bioinformatics and Systems Biology to comprehensively uncover functional and signaling pathways of drug treatment using bioinformatics inference and multiscale modeling of both scRNA-seq data and proteomics data in this study. Key hub genes and their corresponding pathways are identified based on the lung adenocarcinoma derived A549 cells after DEX treatment. The study elaborates a multiscale model of tumor regulation to provide insights of computational studies in tumorigenesis and oncotherapy.

Link to Full Abstract: XU_ZIANG

Link to Poster: Poster Ziang Xu

Contact: xuz218@wfu.edu
