UQ-bio Summer School

5.3 – Combining Single-Cell Experiments and Models (Dr. Gregor Neuert)

Lecture 5.3

Title: Invited Lecture — Combing quantitative experiments with predictive modeling to understand cell biology

Lecturer: Prof. Gregor Neuert

Lecturer Website: https://lab.vanderbilt.edu/neuert-lab/

Lecturer Email: gregor.neuert@vanderbilt.edu

Dr. Gregor Neuert is an Assistant Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics in the Basic Sciences in the School of Medicine at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN. He applies multidisciplinary systems biology approaches to address fundamental questions in signaling transduction and gene regulation of protein-coding and long non-coding RNA in single cells. Dr. Neuert obtained his Ph.D. in physics in Hermann Gaub’s laboratory at the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany, with research in single-molecule biophysics. His postdoctoral research involved experimental and theoretical biophysics studies on gene regulation in single cells as a Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft (DFG) Postdoctoral Fellow in the Alexander van Oudenaarden’s laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. He established his independent laboratory at Vanderbilt in 2012 and holds secondary appointments in Biomedical Engineering and Pharmacology. Since joining Vanderbilt, he won an NIH Directors New Innovator award, secured NIH R01 research grants, and is a Vanderbilt School of Medicine Basic Sciences Dean’s Faculty Fellow.

Title: Combing quantitative experiments with predictive modeling to understand cell biology

Abstract: abc abc abc

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