Welcome to the 4th Annual UQ-Bio Summer School

June 3 – June 19, 2024

The UQ-bio Summer School is an annual event intended to help undergraduate and first-year graduate students acquire essential skills to advance predictive modeling of cellular regulatory systems. The 2024 program will emphasize experimental and computational techniques useful for understanding single-cell gene regulation.

The five modules of the 2024 UQ-bio summer school will be:  

·     Bootcamp Basics to get Started with Scientific Computing in Python (May, Online)

·     Single-Cell Optical Microscopy Experiments and Image Processing (June 4 – 5)

·     Multivariable Statistics and Machine Learning for Single-Cell Data (June 6 – 7)

·     Stochastic Simulations of Single-Cell Gene Regulatory Processes (June 10 – 12)

·     Master Equation Analyses of Single-Cell Gene Regulatory Processes (June 13 – 14)

·     Quantitative Cell and Molecular Biology Symposium (June 17-18)

qCMB/UQ-Bio Symposium 

(CSU, Fort Collins)

 Click here to Register
  • Registration is Free!
The 18th Annual q-bio Conference 
(Shenzhen, China) 

July 26 – 29, 2024, Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Shenzhen, China

More Information Here


For questions about the UQ-Bio Summer School, please email: qbio_summer_school@colostate.edu
